Regardless of what we wish were true, the facts tell us “safe sex” isn't as safe as it seems. This is great news for marriages!Once formed, however, breaking these bonds can have damaging effects on the brain, such as depression and difficulty bonding with someone else in the future.The continual forming and breaking of these bonds can have permanent effects on a person’s brain.Plus, this updated edition also includes a brand new chapter about the effects of pornography on the brain.All this data about bonding, sex, and pornography has important implications in a casual sex culture. With scientific data put in layman’s terms, this book demonstrates that:Sexual activity releases chemicals in the brain, creating emotional bonds between partners. How sex is rewiring your brain - for good and for badWhat does a three-pound brain have to do with one’s sex life? A lot, actually.Hooked is about what’s happening to your brain when you’re having sex.