Each day for us was a day of changing birth In the light - like pieces of broken glass in the sky - From the horizon before me, like an exile, you advanced with hesitant steps Your body covered with a white swan's feathers, garland of gunja seeds round your neck I was afraid That wasn't a time for sightseeing, it was a time of banishment Then the city was burning with hate, the knife in the human hand was being planted in the human heart Religion fed on corpses burnt in flames in buses and roads Patriotism was being regurgitated like blood-vomit I was imprisoned in the attic, I couldn't recognise you Then, with a small notebook, I rose and leapt into deep blue space You were, then, standing upon Dakshineshwar bridge, The river in your eye's pupil Profound silence of night-time in the town, all the schoolbells going ‘dong dong'.