Nick, a gifted astronomer crippled by addiction, seeks escape from one in the other. She has an MFA from Vermont College of Fine Arts (1992).

Her stories have been anthologized in The Best American Short Stories in 1994, 1998, and 2012. Her books include Carry the One, Lucky in the Corner, Seven Moves and Aquamarine. Carol Anshaw is the author of Aquamarine, Seven Moves, and Lucky in the Corner.

Alice, obsessed with painting and with the fellow bridesmaid she slept with on the night of the accident, becomes an eventual star of the art world – and of some of the book's sexy passages. Carol Anshaw is an American novelist and short story writer. : Carry the One (9780241963968) by Carol Anshaw and a great selection of similar New, Used and Collectible Books available now at great prices. Follow Anshaw on Twitter: carolanshaw This NPR story about dog books features Anshaw’s Lucky in the Corner. Saintly Carmen, pregnant and impulsively married, works in a women's shelter, campaigns for social justice and props up her siblings when they fall. At Simon & Schuster’s author page, watch a video interview with Carol Anshaw and read an excerpt from Carry the One. The narrative glides through the lives of Alice and Nick, who were in the car, and their older sister Carmen, whose wedding they were celebrating. The gentle panorama Carol Anshaw builds from everyday vignettes makes Carry the One feel deceptively light. What follows is 25 years chasing penance, with plenty of disappointments and a couple more deaths thrown in.Īnd yet the novel never buckles under its weight. Through friendships and love affairs marriage and divorce parenthood, holidays, and the modest tragedies and joys of ordinary days, Carry the One shows how. The novel begins in 1983, with five drunk and drugged-up friends accidentally killing a young girl as they drive home from a wedding in Wisconsin. C ombined, the events in Carry the One could make a catalogue of tragedy.